How Rarible tricked Mark Cuban into buying fake KAWS NFTs.Just a few weeks ago, my wife and I ventured into the world of NFTs and decided to dip our toes and make our first NFT art purchase. We…Mar 10, 20211Mar 10, 20211
How do I get my photo printed and frameLots of people ask me where to get their photos printed, so I decided to create a post about it.Jul 11, 2017Jul 11, 2017
Published inThe How And Why Of Our WorldWhat is religion?Religion is invented by humans, written by man, and there exists no physical evidence to suggest otherwise aside from heresay. People…Apr 15, 2016Apr 15, 2016
Published inEconomics and PolicyTax by InflationTHIS ARTICLE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS…Apr 15, 2016Apr 15, 2016
Published inEconomics and PolicyWhy are houses so unaffordable?These days a million dollar home is nothing to brag about. In most desirable California locations $1M would barely buy a run-down fixer…Apr 15, 2016Apr 15, 2016
Published inThe How And Why Of Our WorldSelf-adjusting lenses for VR and AROmni-focus lenses and microscopic integral imaging for HMDsApr 14, 2016Apr 14, 2016
Published inEconomics and PolicyCashless SlavesThere is no doubt that it is becoming more and more convenient to pay for things. Once upon a time people traveled long distances to…Apr 12, 2016Apr 12, 2016
Insurance is ruining our world.Lets examine what insurance is in the first place. Insurance is a hedge against a negative outcome. Here is how it is supposed to work…Apr 11, 2016Apr 11, 2016
Published inThe How And Why Of Our WorldHow Depth Sensors enable ARLens arrays can offer depth sensing capabilities which enable video and image restoration of real world objects that were captured from a…Apr 11, 2016Apr 11, 2016
Published inThe How And Why Of Our WorldBitcoin and Stolen MiningWhy botnets will eventually destroy the bitcoin economy.Apr 11, 2016Apr 11, 2016